Sonic the Hedgehog[a] is a Japanese video game series and media franchise created by Sonic Team and owned by Sega. The franchise centers on Sonic, an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog who battles the evil Doctor Eggman, a mad scientist. The main Sonic the Hedgehog games are platformers developed by Sonic Team; other games, developed by various studios, include spin-offs set in the racing, fighting, party and sports genres. The franchise also incorporates printed media, animations, a 2020 feature film, and merchandise.
The first Sonic game, released in 1991 for the Sega Genesis, was developed after Sega requested a new mascot character to replace Alex Kidd and compete with Nintendo's mascot Mario. Its success helped Sega become one of the leading video game companies during the 16-bit era of the early 1990s. Sega Technical Institute developed the next three Sonic games in addition to Sonic Spinball (1993). After a hiatus during the unsuccessful Saturn era, the first major 3D Sonic game, Sonic Adventure, was released in 1998 for the Dreamcast. Sega exited the console market and shifted to third-party development in 2001, allowing the series to continue on Nintendo, Xbox, and PlayStation systems.
While Sonic games typically feature unique game mechanics and stories, they are linked by several recurring elements, such as the health system, locations, and speed-based gameplay. Games typically feature Sonic setting out to stop Eggman's schemes for world domination, and the player navigates levels that include springs, slopes, bottomless pits, and vertical loops. While Sonic and Eggman were the only characters introduced in the first game, the series would go on to have a large cast of characters; some, such as Miles "Tails" Prower, Knuckles the Echidna, and Shadow the Hedgehog, starred in self-titled spin-offs. The franchise has also been represented in crossovers like the Sega All-Stars and Super Smash Bros. series.
Sonic the Hedgehog is Sega's flagship franchise and one of the bestselling video game franchises, selling 89 million by March 2011 and grossing over $5 billion by 2014.[1] The sum of series sales and free-to-play mobile game downloads totaled 920 million by 2019.[2] Several Sonic games appear on lists of the greatest games of all time, and the series has influenced internet and popular culture, as well as games featuring animal mascots. However, Sonic games have also been criticized for a perceived decline in quality over the years.
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